Leadership and Change Management Assessments

Change Navigator®

Change Navigator assesses how you navigate change that guides you through the stages of transition.

Ideal for individuals and organizations facing change, ensuring a smoother transition and heightened success in implementing change initiatives. Effectively addresses potential cultural conflicts and adoption challenges.

Key Features

Administration Type

Self-assessment alone or through a group activity

Administration Time

2 hours


Hard copy. Hand Scored.

Qualification Level

Must be administered by a certified practitioner

Complementary Tools

Change Style Indicator®

EQ-i 2.0®

EQ 360®

Influence Style Indicator™

Change Style Indicator®

The Change Style Indicator is a comprehensive leadership assessment tool that evaluates change management styles across a spectrum—from Conserver to Originator—providing critical insights into personal approaches and their influence on team dynamics and effectiveness in change scenarios.

Key Features

Administration Time

10 to 15 minutes



Hand Scored

Qualification Level

Must be administered by a certified practitioner

Complementary Tools

Change Navigator®

Influence Style Indicator™

EQ-i 2.0®

EQ 360®

Influence Style Indicator™

The Influence Style Indicator provides individual's preferred influencing styles to various situations and organizational decision-making.

Explore five distinct styles—Rationalizing, Asserting, Negotiating, Inspiring, Bridging - and learn how to "flex" these styles to become a better influencer.

Key Features

Administration Time

10 minutes



Qualification Level

Must be administered by a certified practitioner

Complementary Tools

Change Style Indicator®

EQ-i 2.0®

EQ 360®

Change Navigator®



Everything DiSC ®

Enhance collaborative relationships. Take your organization to the next level.

Emotional Intelligence is a vital component in any person's life. Improve your emotional intelligence.

Organizational Workshop

Grounded in extensive research, is an immersive experience that boosts individual influence and organizational success.


Transforming your workplace culture by participating in an interactive workshop

Day 1 - 6 hrs

Day 2 - 4 hrs

Transforming your workplace culture by participating in an interactive workshop

Time and length varies

Transforming your workplace culture by participating in an interactive workshop

Time and length varies

Assessment + Facilitation Training

Change Happens: Learn + Observe + Vitalize + Execute

Taking reliable and valid assessments is just the beginning of a transformative journey. We are committed to offering more than just assessments.

Our goal is to equip you with in-depth, practical strategies that will truly transform your life.

Dr. Koo has a deep understanding of many assessments, including the Pearman

Personality Integrator tool.  She explained this complicated tool with ease and expertly decoded the Pearman terminology so I could quickly understand my results. I would not have attempted to understand the Pearman Personality assessment alone.  I have benefited greatly from Dr. Koo teaching me how to leverage the report, to focus on creating my goals, and implementing the action plan. 

Jamie S., Leader and Manager

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